城际桃源 – Stony Point


离开喧嚣的曼哈顿,一路向北,两个来小时的大巴车程后就到了Stony Point Center。

安静的Stony Point小镇,满眼绿色。呆在Stony Point Center的几天,早晨在农场实践,下午静休,傍晚坐在硕果累累的苹果树下看来来往往的白尾鹿(White-tailed deer)。



Stony Point的这些白尾鹿(White-tailed deer)并不怕人,安全距离可以近至十五米,实在难得。70mm的常规焦距已经可以拍到还算可以的照片了。

四月在Marsh Creek见到的那群,百米开外已经惊慌失措,四处奔逃。还是Stony Point白尾鹿生在好地方,近人而居,反而不担心被猎杀。

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Stony Point Center


Stony Point Center, modeling the love of Jesus, welcomes people of all faiths and nations to discern, discover, learn and lead. Together, bold dreamers experience the movement of God’s Spirit to create pathways to peace, nonviolence and justice.

Stony Point Center is An Open Space…
…Welcoming All People
…Discerning God’s call to Faithful Action
…Building Community that Crosses Boundaries
…Nurturing Leaders who Transform the World
…Learning to Live in Harmony with Creation
…Sharing Sacred Spiritual Practices
…Creating Pathways to Peace, Nonviolence and Justice


First United Methodist Church (Stony Point)