
四月十四日晨 青海玉树发生地震。四月十八日晨 一直在四川出差的我,接到作为第三梯队前往玉树参加地震紧急援助通知。四月十九日上午 抵达青海西宁和先期到达的同事采购援助物资。四月二十日晚 与另两位同事搭乘两辆满载的货车,走上了前往玉树的路。四月二十一日晚 抵达玉树结古镇,随即在城内及七十公里外隆宝镇发放救援物资,直至次日凌晨四时,方得以蜷于帐篷里睡了三小时。之后数日参加了玉树几个乡镇紧急救援需求评估和物资发放。五月二日中午 与轮班同事完成交接,随卸空货车返西宁。


2010 Yushu earthquake
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 2010 Yushu earthquake struck on April 14, 2010, and registered a magnitude of 6.9Mw (USGS, EMSC) or 7.1Ms (CEA, CENC). It originated in Yushu, Qinghai, China, at 7:49 am local time. According to the Xinhua News Agency, 2,220 people have been confirmed dead, 70 missing, and 12,135 injured of which 1,434 are severely injured. The epicenter was located in Rima village (日玛村/日麻村), Upper Laxiu township (上拉秀乡) of Yushu County,in remote and rugged terrain, near the border of Tibet Autonomous Region. The epicenter is about 30 km from Gyêgu town, the seat of Yushu County, and about 240 km from Qamdo. The epicenter was in a sparsely populated area on the Tibetan plateau that is regularly hit by earthquakes.
