The telpher carried me to the summit of Mount Wawu. The shinning sun made the fog a history.
Up in the Air
四川省贡嘎雪山(Minya Konka)坐落在青藏高原东部边缘,在横断山系的大雪山中段,位于大渡河与雅砻江之间。“贡嘎山”,藏语意为“最高的雪山”,山体南北长约60公里,东西宽约30公里,其主峰海拔7556米,地处东经101.8°,北纬29.6°,在四川省康定、泸定、石棉、九龙四县之间。 贡嘎山海拔7556米,是四川省最高的山峰,被称为“蜀山之王”。山区高峰林立,冰坚雪深,险阻重重,是中国海洋性山地冰川十分发育的高山之一,在登山运动和科学研究中占有十分重要的地位。是一座极受登山爱好者青睐的名山。贡嘎雪山
Mount Gongga (Chinese, Traditional: 貢嘎山, Simplified: 贡嘎山, Pinyin: Gònggá shān), also known as Minya Konka, is the highestmountain in Sichuan, China. It is situated in the Daxue Shan mountain range. It is the easternmost 7000 m peak in the world and the third highest peak outside of the Himalaya/Karakoram.
The peak has large vertical relief over the deep nearby gorges.
A rope way has been constructed that can transport tourists across the glacier below the mountain to a cable car station at 3600 meter altitude.